First Frost, Last Harvest

Our first frost is usually in late November, somewhere around Thanksgiving, so we were rather pleased to be able to harvest peppers and tomatoes well into the month of December. However, we knew the mild weather wouldn't last, and had our official first hard frost last night. So Brian and I ran out yesterday afternoon and stripped the last of the peppers and tomatoes off the plants.

Anyone know a good green tomato recipe?


Jaye said…
I had several green tomatoes too but they got away from me before I could do anything with them. I did have a great sounding chutney recipe I got from the internet I was going to try. I'll look for it!
Heather Pregger said…
Thanks, Jay! Chutney sounds perfect!
Unknown said…
I know a great green tomatoe recipe: FRIED!!! You can start a diet after the New Year!

The bee Christmas party is tomorrow night. We'll miss you!

Heather Pregger said…
I wish I could be there, Sharron! It was wonderful seeing you during Festival...
Fannie said…
Yummmmeeeee. ♥♫♥