It's December once again. That means that it is time to start the 31 DAY BLOG WRITING CHALLENGE!

Color me crazy.  I was quite determined that I was NOT going to join Cheryl Sloboda's Blog Writing Challenge this year.  But I woke up this morning and decided to take the plunge.  

Probably a decision I shouldn't have made before my first cup of coffee.

Of course, you will note that it is December 2.  I missed the first.   Oh well, perhaps I can make it up.

So here we go.  I formally commit to write at least a short blog post during every day in December.  Despite the time crunch presented by parties, houseguests and the holidays.  So here goes!

Join me!  Sign up at


LA Paylor said…
okay, in for a penny, in for a pound. I'm doing it too, and writing a story every day.
Looking forward to what you write each day. LeeAnna at not afraid of color