The Trinity Valley Quilt Guild annual show was this past weekend. And I am so excited -- I won three ribbons!
This is "The Happy Quilt." I started it at a friend's house. I had brought along a stack of batiks (in my favorite palette of orange, yellow and pink) with no clear idea about what I was going to piece. I paired the batiks and cut out freeform curvy ninepatches. It was a lot of fun to make the blocks and to put this quilt together. It won second place in the Art category.
A closeup of the quilting:
This is "The Happy Quilt." I started it at a friend's house. I had brought along a stack of batiks (in my favorite palette of orange, yellow and pink) with no clear idea about what I was going to piece. I paired the batiks and cut out freeform curvy ninepatches. It was a lot of fun to make the blocks and to put this quilt together. It won second place in the Art category.
"Bewitching Stars" won honorable mention in the Medium Pieced, Machine Quilted category. This is one of the quilts I took to Cape Cod to finish sewing the binding. Glad I got it finished!
"Block Study #1 -- Forest Floor" won second place in the Art category. The embellishment is made of embossed copper:
And Ann, Marilyn, Mary Jo and I won third place in the Swiss Teams bridge tournament on Sunday. It was great!
All in all, a frantically busy weekend (my two major obsession collided -- the quilt show and the bridge sectional tournament were on the same weekend and took place in the same building!), but oh so fun! And so rewarding!