This last two weeks, I have been focusing on finishing Tuning Fork #13. Tuning Fork #13, you say, with the emphasis on the "13?" Yes, that yellow and red monster is still on the design wall, despite the fact that I have finished Tuning Fork #s 14, 15, 16 and 17. And I have started Tuning Fork #18. 14 through 18 are smaller, several of them very small indeed, and in my avoidance of TF 13, I have either worked on them at another venue (at a retreat and at Kyra's house) or I have pinned up a piece of flannel on the design wall over TF 13. The piece of flannel technique has several advantages -- first, it gives me a nice clean wall to work on, and second it covers up TF 13.
That being said, now that I am working on it again, TF 13 isn't a terrible piece. It feels a little clunky right now, but it is currently in hundreds and hundreds of pieces on the wall. It's bound to look a little untidy. I think the problem is this: with every project I go through a "loathing" phase, and with TF 13 it has just lasted longer than normal.
Why is this? For one thing, it has been on the wall far too long. International Quilt Festival, Thanksgiving, Christmas, family visits, volunteer commitments, travel -- it's all cut way too much into my sewing time. And what little artistic energy I have had I have used to make smaller, easily finished pieces. Finished pieces make me happy. But while I make these smaller quilts, I stare at TF 13, which in my imagination glares back at me balefully.
Oh well, soon it will be finished. For better or for worse.
Here it is as of Monday evening. I've been working on the lefthand side. I'll post an update when I get more of it together.
So, my question is this: Does every artist go through a "loathing phase" with each piece of work? Is this normal?
OK, enough whining! I did have good news today. Tuning Fork #6 has been accepted to Form Not Function, Quilt Art at the Carnegie. Whoo hoo!
Oh well, soon it will be finished. For better or for worse.
Here it is as of Monday evening. I've been working on the lefthand side. I'll post an update when I get more of it together.
Monster! RUN! |
OK, enough whining! I did have good news today. Tuning Fork #6 has been accepted to Form Not Function, Quilt Art at the Carnegie. Whoo hoo!
I'm linking this post to Nina-Marie's Off the Wall Friday. Go see all the wonderful work there!
best, nadia
I don't think I have periods of loathing, but I do have periods of indecision, and most things I put away end up taking an unexpected turn when I get them out again. Dormancy is a good thing. Either the subconscious works on it while I play with other things or I learn a new technique that is just right. Usually.
Since you don't have open ID, here is my blog addy:
I had a great time talking to you at Houston show...
LeeAnna Paylor
Not Afraid of Color!
CKB, I did bury my good news, didn't I? I've just written a new post about Form Not Function and included pictures.