Terry Jarrard-Dimond Class Report

I've been in Ohio these last two weeks, first to take a class with Terry Jarrard-Dimond, and then to visit my brother and his family.  I had a wonderful time, and learned a lot, but I am glad to be home!

The class with Terry was "Design Boot Camp."  It was fabulous!  We spent a day reviewing the principles and elements of design, and then used the rest of the time to explore ways to jump-start our creative side. We started with random designs in ink and thread:
  And then made collages that we reproduced in fabric:
By the end of the week my design wall was filled with small sketches, both in fabric and paper:
For my last exercise, I started an appliqué piece using an aboriginal print for inspiration:
This is my inspiration piece.  The challenge was to distill what attracted us to the print and to make it our own:
I would heartily recommend Terry's class.  She is an excellent teacher, patient and thorough, and very inspiring.

After the class ended, I headed to my brother's home on the north side of Columbus.  It is so nice to be in Ohio during the fall, even if it the leaves were just starting to change color.  The weather was perfect, warm days and cool nights, and we took several long walks along the Olengtangy river.
It was beautiful!  And Andrew's new dog, Sandy, enjoyed frisking on the riverbank.  And stopping occasionally to be petted:
 I'm lucky to have such a wonderful brother and sister-in-law!


Hilary Florence said…
The boot camp looks absolutely fantastic Heather. I am very intrigued by your ink and thread sketches - and I wait with bated breath to see what will become of your big applique piece.
Having a book or 2 on design and design principles, I keep thinking I should go through and do the exercises but of course I never do. How great to take the time to really do that.