
 I just got home from two weeks at the Crow Timber Frame Barn in Baltimore, Ohio, in a class with the talented Carol Soderlund. It was fabulous in many ways: I spent time with two of my favorite friends (Maria Shell and Kerri McQueen Green), I made a lovely new friend (Kim Eichler-Messmer), caught up with friends I hadn't seen since the start of the pandemic (too numerous to list), spent a lovely weekend with my brother and sister-in-law, and learned some wonderful new surface design techniques. All in all, an action packed 2-1/2 weeks.

Kerri and I had a massive amount of supplies to take for our printing class. So we decided to drive from Dallas to Columbus. The car was stuffed.

And we left bright and early. The first night's objective was Jackson, Tennessee. It was a lovely day.
But we had a little car trouble. Luckily the Lexus dealer in Little Rock got us back on the road quickly.
And Sunday we were at the Barn. One of my favorite places to be.
We stayed in an Airbnb with Maria and Kim. Lovely place, if slightly quirky. Maria decorated the yard with newly washed fabric.
The first week of class was "Color Mixing for Dyers #3". We thrashed the dye buckets to create 1000 (plus or minus) colors mixed from three different sets of primaries. The Berry group (my team) worked hard to create good evenly dyed samples.
I spent the weekend between the classes visiting my brother Andrew and his wife Jennifer. I hadn't seen them in three years. It was glorious to get back together! We went to an art fair in downtown Columbus.

The second week was a printing/surface design class, "Layers Upon Layers". It was delightfully messy.
And I made some great cloth.

I created some pieces I really like. I can't wait to cut them up!
The trip home was uneventful (thank goodness). It's good to be home. And even better to find that construction is in full swing on the Cape house. It's actually happening! They've dug the foundation for the kitchen addition!
So I'm headed back to the studio with some great new fabric to use in my work.  Time to get to work!  


Calvin said…
Thank youu for writing this
Faith said…
I love learning about different surface design techniques.